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2. Alert your neighbors
Join our cadre of volunteers who are checking looking for trees at risk and dropping off brochures for the residents to alert them to the problem. It's easy and fun! Find out how here.
3. Help control invasive vines in public spaces
Our park services need volunteers to help. Find out how to get training and permission here.


Three ways to help
1. At home
It is easy to save the tree, but be careful - DO NOT clip the native vines by accident! They rarely harm trees and their berries are essential to songbirds. Find out how to tell the difference here and download instructions for clipping them here.


Tree Rescuers

Please join your neighbors as we free the native trees from invasive non-native vines. Greater Clifton has thousands of trees at risk. Losing trees is not only terrible for the ecosystem, it is expensive and potentially hazardous to homeowners. 


Clifton Tree Surveys as of Sept 27, 2022

Click here to see updated map

with details of how many at-risk trees were found

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